Bay leaf, West Indies (PImenta racemosa) wild harvest from Jamaica
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This essential oil is often known as Bay Rum, and is used most commonly in men's aftershaves as it can aid in razor burn and other skin issues. It is a very strong oil and should be well diluted before any use at all as it can irritate skin if used improperly.
Bay Rum oil contains the chemicals eugenol, chavicol (estragole), and myrcene. These chemicals account for its use as a pain killer, for neuralgia, and for arthritis. According to some studies, it can be used as an antifungal and antibacterial as well. It is possibly effective against MRSA.
Bay Rum is excellent for the scalp. A few drops can be added to a shampoo to help with dandruff.
It is also used as an insect repellent.
CAUTION: People with kidney or liver issues or those taking blood thinners should NOT use Bay Rum.
Always dilute your essential oils in an unscented carrier oil like Sesame or Jojoba. A good general rule is 10 drops per ounce of carrier oil. Do not take essential oils internally. Always store essential oils out of heat and sunlight. Keep essential oils away from children and pregnant women.
All information in this description is copyright Kamala’s Own LLC. Please ask for permission to reprint it. This description is not medical advice and the information herein comes from personal experience, research, and folklore. If you believe you are ill, consult an M.D. Nothing here is meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical condition. Nothing here has been evaluated by the FDA.