Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) ) conventionally distilled from Guatemala
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Cardamom is familiar to many people as an ingredient in sweets and Indian cooking. Essential oil of Cardamom is well-known for its actions on the digestive system. It can stop nausea, vomiting, gas, heartburn, and morning sickness. Cardamom is antispasmodic so it stops abdominal cramps as well.
Cardamom has expectorant, anti-infectious, and antibacterial properties, so it is helpful for coughs, colds, and bronchitis. Cardamom can also be used to reduce the effects of caffeine toxicity.
Children over the age of 6 can benefit from Cardamom essential oil. It can be diluted in Sesame oil or Grape seed oil and used as a massage oil for muscle cramps, sinus headaches, or general fatigue. Adults can also use this massage oil for headaches, general stress, and depression.
Cardamom imparts a feeling of warmth, joy and celebration. It stimulates the mind and is an effective aid to concentration and clarity. Cardamom can help us overcome feelings of self-pity, confusion, apathy, and sluggishness. It teaches us to integrate the spiritual and intellectual worlds so we can be more emotionally stable. Cardamom allows us to experience a renewed appetite for life, encouraging creativity, generosity, compassion, confidence, and courage. It lightens our hearts so we can creep out of the darkness formed by suspicion, over thinking, and rigidity. In this way, Cardamom can also be a potent aphrodisiac.
Although Cardamom is a very difficult oil with which to blend, Kamala enjoys working with it immensely. It can be found in a surprising number of her blends including Conceive, Crone, Beltane, and Aphrodite.
Always dilute your essential oils in an unscented carrier oil like Sesame or Jojoba. A good general rule is 10 drops per ounce of carrier oil. Do not take essential oils internally. Always store essential oils out of heat and sunlight. Keep essential oils away from children.
All information in this description is copyright Kamala’s Own LLC. Please ask for permission to reprint it. This description is not medical advice and the information herein comes from personal experience, research, and folklore. If you believe you are ill, consult an M.D. Nothing here is meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical condition. Nothing here has been evaluated by the FDA.