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Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) organic, Bulgaria


Regular price $8.00 Sale

Hyssop is one the oldest documented medicinal herbs. It was used in ritual cleansing of the temple in the Old Testament. The Romans used it to prevent plague. It has been recommended for whooping cough, herpes, bronchitis, and the common cold. Hyssop is eliminated through the lungs and is particularly useful for all sorts of respiratory problems. It clears phlegm from the lungs and can be used for asthma. Children over 8 years old can benefit from having Hyssop oil diffused into their bedroom with an aromalamp. Hyssop can be diluted with Sesame oil (10 drops Hyssop to 1 ounce of Sesame) and used directly on the genitals for cleaning and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

The circulatory system is another area of the body which benefits from Hyssop essential oil. It is warming, and can help ease the pain of arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and varicose veins. Hyssop can be diluted in sesame oil and used on wounds or bruises to deaden pain, kill germs, and speed healing. It can also be rubbed on the belly to bring on menstruation and calm menstrual cramps.

Hyssop is centering and can help with meditation. It increases mental awareness, opening us to a better sense of mental clarity, concentration, and emotional balance. This clear headed feeling can lead us to feel more positive about our lives and more accepting of daily reality. Hyssop strengthens our sense of boundaries; protecting us from the negative emotions of others. It allows us to believe in our own innate wisdom, as well as the presence of whatever deity inspires us.


Always dilute your essential oils in an unscented carrier oil like Sesame or Jojoba. Do not take essential oils internally. Always store essential oils out of heat and sunlight. Keep essential oils away from children and pregnant women.

All information in this description is copyright Kamala’s Own LLC. Please ask for permission to reprint it. This description is not medical advice and the information herein comes from personal experience, research, and folklore. If you believe you are ill, consult an M.D. Nothing here is meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical condition. Nothing here has been evaluated by the FDA.