THIS SITE IS ABOUT PERFUMERY AND AROMATHERAPY, NOT ABOUT POLITICS. Our Barrington store is at 125 E. Main St. in downtown Barrington, IL. We are open Tuesday-Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 12-5.

Beautiful Perfumes

Perfume blends are Kamala's artistic flights of fancy into all sorts of mythical worlds of her imagination.  They are made to dazzle and delight on your skin.  Perfume blends are combinations of essential oils and fragrance oils. They do NOT need to be diluted for use on the skin unless you desire to make them less fragrant.

Dana creates the most intoxicating scents imaginable!! She has a scent for every personality, mood and occasion! And NO NASTY INGREDIENTS!!

—KM, Illinois

Thanks for giving me a few minutes to think about my favorite time of year, Renaissance Fair time, and one of my all time favorite booths!!

—DB, Illinois 

I have been loving your scents for years! Whether it's a daily fragrance or part of my spiritual practice, your creations are absolutely wonderful!!
Thank you!!

—AH, Wisconsin 

Sampling your scents is a true joy. I've learned so much about scents and how my chemistry works (or doesn't work!) with them that I feel I have had a perfumery class just hanging out in your shop.

—KBD, Illinois 

266 products